Recent questions
asked Apr 23, 2016 in Zip Schedules by Jen Clawson
When creating the schedule, can I just see a certain department's employees or do I have to have entire organization? and if so how ?
1 answer
asked Apr 15, 2016 in Zip Schedules by Jen Clawson
Many of my employees are cross-trained and will work multiple positions that have different pay  server makes $5.03/hr  ...
1 answer
asked Apr 12, 2016 in Zip Checklist by anonymous
When creating a task list, it would be great to be able to import information from a text file or spreadsheet. Like that you do not have to enter...
1 answer
asked Feb 18, 2016 in Zip Schedules by
I have accidentally deleted an employee. When I try to add them again, I cannot use their email. I need to reinstate them. How do I do this?
1 answer
asked Feb 8, 2016 in Zip Schedules by anonymous
does it cost to add more sites or is it one price for allis there a monthly fee per site
1 answer
asked Feb 4, 2016 in Zip ShiftBook by anonymous
I've been recording employee actions (late clock in, missed work, etc) but when I go to employee journal the area is completely blank. No...
1 answer
asked Jan 21, 2016 in Zip Schedules by Deb
I have an unassigned shift on the weekly schedule. How can I tell that the 'offer' process was sent successfully? Shouldn't there be something...
1 answer
asked Nov 2, 2015 in Zip Schedules by Anonymous
1 answer