Is there a way to set up which people my managers have manager capabilities over?
asked Nov 3, 2016 in Zip Schedules by Rebecca
I have a few managers, but I don't want them being able to interfere with the other departments.  I have one person who is an employee at one site, but a manager at others....  He just approved a schedule at a site that wasn't under his management.  Or do I just have to have a conversation of "stay in your lane".  I still would like to be able to set up who he has management over.

1 Answer

answered Nov 3, 2016 by anonymous
Hello Rebecca,
The Hubworks Apps will allow you to set different restrictions for a single person only if it is a different organization; the employee will have the same position(s) and access level through out the different locations/sites within the same Organization.  Please know that I will be adding this to our backlog so it can be discussed during the development meetings and potentially be added in the future.
Thank you.