Thank you for your question, right now we do not have a swap shift function, but we do have an offer shift function. When an employee logs into their site (either through the mobile app or through a computer) they go to the my schedule tab then they select the My Schedule tab. When the select the shift that they would like to offer up to someone they click on the arrow icon on that shift and they will be prompted to select one or more employees to off that specific shift to. If the employee chooses more than 1 person to off the shift to than whoever accepts that shift first will have the offered shift added to their schedule.
I do have the same question and I do no need to ask the same thing as you've already addressed it. I'll just have to read and apply it and I hope I'll be able to make a solution out of it. Thanks for the information btw. Now I have to go back to this site to help me write my essay paper.
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